Charisse's 30 by 30

Welcome to my site. The point of this site is documenting the 30 things that I have said I am going to do before I am thirty. I will turn 30 on March 25, 2007! See the first post for the history of "30 by 30" and the entire list!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Visit Fit for a Queen

London was the one city I hadn’t been to that I really wanted to go and that is how it ended up on the list. I have been extremely lucky to have traveled quite a bit and it is truly one of my passions.

I had several friends and family members meeting me there to celebrate my birthday. Todd, Todd’s dad Barry, Stepmom Linda and I left Paris on Thursday and took the Eurotrain to London. As soon as I got to the hotel, I met up with my friend Berta. Berta and I have been friends for about six years. We are very similar in the fact that our bags are always packed. After dropping my bags at the hotel, Berta and I were off for an afternoon of shopping, first stop Harrod’s. At the same time, Todd met up with his friend John who also joined us. After hours of shopping, walking and exploring the city, it was time to meet up with the rest of the crew for a nice dinner.

Friday the rest of our group made their way to London. It was raining and cold that morning and as we made our way to Buckingham Palace for the "Changing of the Guards." It was really crowded and we couldn’t really see what was going on, but the Royal Army Band did play songs by James Blunt and Beatles, which was entertaining. Friday afternoon, we met up with my good friend, Kelly. Last summer, Kelly moved to DC with her husband and I miss her tons. It was so fun to have her with me for my birthday weekend.

Friday afternoon, as everyone else went for a rest, Kelly, Todd, Berta and I went on the search for the Courtauld Museum. The Courtauld Museum is the home of one of my favorite paintings, Bar at Folies Berges, by Manet. If you are ever in London this is a must see museum. It has a great collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art work. This was truly one of the highlights of the trip for me.

Another highlight for me was to have the Holman Family join in the celebration. Susan and Leon Holman’s daughter, Krissi, was one of the five people who made a difference in my life. Susan got our entire crew tickets to the Ceremony of the Keys at the London Tower. Thanks, Susan!

Saturday was a complete girl day for me. Linda, Berta, Kelly and I headed to Notting Hill for shopping. This was one of the most fun days, I have ever had in my life. We just spent the day laughing, shopping, eating and laughing some more. We left Berta at the train station, purely accidental of course. Luckily she found her way and wasn’t lost for very long. To have so many people that I love together, made me so incredibly happy.

There were two rules for dinner Saturday night: have fun and stay up until midnight. The entire crew had dinner together Saturday night to actually celebrate my birthday. We found this fun restaurant to celebrate. The evening consisted of me crying a lot. So many emotions were running through me that night. I was so grateful that I had ten of my favorite people with me in London. I also kept thinking about all the amazing experiences I had during the past year. Every time I would start to say something, the tears would just come out.
The goal of having fun and staying up until at least midnight was accomplished without any problems.

Sunday was another great day. I had scheduled a walking tour of all things Beatles through London. As you can see, we ended up at Abbey Road. I can’t think of a better way to spend my actual birthday.

Final two letters

I had two final things left on the list to complete. I had to deliver my final two letters to people who made a difference in my life. I knew from the beginning that Berta and Todd would be the final two. For the past couple of months, I lied to Todd about my list of people and had to hide the fact he was getting a letter.

The first letter I read in London was to Berta for being such a great friend. I can’t explain how or why we are friend. From the moment we met we clicked. We share a love of travel, laughter and celebrity gossip. Berta has taught me to laugh at myself. I am fully aware that one day Todd and I are going to have to take care of her. My only request is that she gets a great home somewhere exotic when she retires.

The final letter was for Todd. I ended up writing his letter about two hours before I gave it to him. I had tried for months and months to write his letter, but each time I would start crying or just couldn’t find the words. Todd has been so supportive of 30by30, but more importantly Todd has been supportive of me for the past nine years.


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